Thursday, December 12, 2019
Employment Relations Of France And Denmark-Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Employment Relations Of France And Denmark? Answer: Introduction: The factors of the French unions highlight the presence of the socialists in the labor movement and the approaches of the employees (Wilkinson et al, 2014). France ranks the sixth in terms of the economic power in GDP. This country has a population of almost 64 billion and the rate of labor market is almost 64% (Feigenbaum, 2017). The employment of the female is increasing in the country and that of the young people is lessening due to school retention. The economic growth is very low compared to the other countries and the forms of employment have been changed by adapting temporary employment and part time employment. The intervention of the state is very important in employment relation of France. The state reflects the reluctance of the unions. However in the last thirty years a huge change have took place due to which the state is losing the position of the regulator in the employment relation of France (Suleiman, 2015). The employment relation of Denmark is different from that of France because this country has no labor code and has the freedom of membership (Fossum, 2014). The state is the minimum regulator of the employment relation of Denmark. In the recent years, the employment system of Denmark includes a system of wage bargaining (Wilkinson, Wood Deeg, 2014). The state has a less involvement in employment and is not the regulator to provide the employees the rights that in general belong to them. The role of the state in employment relation of Denmark is just the procedural legislation. This country has no governmental trade unions. The state consult with the unions, boards to take decision regarding the labor policy. The employment relation of Denmark has pressure from Europe and incorporates many European laws. The Tripartite committee is a process, which implements the rules by agreements and legislatures (Hauptmeier Vidal, 2014). Role of state in employment relation of France: The state is also a form of employer and influences the pay rates of the employment sector. The state is in charge of increasing the wages of the employees. The state is in charge of reducing the unemployment. The industrial relations of France are always uptight and are highly dominated by involvement of the state (Poole, 2013). This is because of the bargaining system that gave the companies autonomy to legislation of labor and collective agreements. France guarantees the people for a high extent of social protection and uses this key to border the inequality. The state here covers the social protection, which is funded by the tax financier and in thus way the economy of the country is controlled. Here the state is responsible for the social regulation of the employment relation of the country. The state is known as the guardian of the country and manager of the employment relation in France. In France, neither the employers not the unions have control on the employment relations n or is the state in charge of controlling the employment relation (Bamber et al, 2015). The country is fully dependent on the state, which takes care of the resources of employment relations. The state here influences the view of globalization in market and deliberately takes in to consideration the economy and welfare of the employment relations. The employment relation of France has great interference of the state. The state of France always played and is still playing the role of a guide and director in the employment relation since the year of 1980. France has a population of 65 million according to a research of 2010. This is one of the modern countries across the world. The state encourages the employment relation of the country to bend on the way to the market driven economy. The state also intervene the power supply, transport system and the telecommunication system of France along with privatizing many famous companies (Donaghey et al, 2014). However, the state has lessened its intervention in other sectors the labor market is still under the intervention of the state. The employment relation in this country is inclined by the demographics and to some extent by the political environment of the country. This country has an increasing number of female labors and according to a research is almost 52 percent (Bonoli, 2017). The economy of the country is state managed and the communists and the owners manage the employment relation of the country by paternalistic effective view. The role of the state is not only as manager of the employment relation but it is also effective in playing the role of the employer. The state reduces the unemployment of the country by employing labors and thus it becomes the employer of the employment relation. There are some privatizations in the employment relation of France but still this did not dominate the role of the state in the employment relation. The state played huge role in applying the collective bargaining system i n France employment relation. The state is the center of the organization of Frances employment relation and bridges the gap between the principal and labor (Fukuyama, 2017). Role of state in employment relation of Denmark: The state plays a significant role in the international relations of Denmark, as it is the employer in every public sector. Maybe the role of the state is limited but the role is very important. The state does not increase the employment here and nor the number of female employees are increasing here but this country has holidays like maternity and childbirth. The political parties exerts the influence one the employment system. In relation to the employment, the state is not an active part of the employment relation of Denmark but it has a significant role to play in the employment relation (Atkinson Storey, 2016). There are a few laws that the state has ushered which provide job security to the labors. Those laws instruct the employees that they have their own rights and they can use it for their wellbeing but this is where the role of the state ends. The concept of flexibility and security is enough to dismiss the employees without any expense. Due to the less involvement of the state the level of protection of the employees are low and the employees do not get any compensation even after they are unemployed on any basis (Atkinson Storey, 2016). The rules that the state has implemented for the job security provides help in generating beneficial systems and practicing an effective labor market, which allows the labor to save their monetary interest for future. The enterprises take care of the number of employees needed in every market condition but they do not provide any compensation but the trade unions provide the compensation to their employees whenever they get unemployed due to certain reasons. As there is a continuous unemployment system in the labor market of Denmark, there is a consequence about having high mobility among the labors (Atkinson, J., Storey, 2016). This country has the record of having a large number of new employees in every workplace. As the level of unemployment is very high, there is a certain benefit in the flexibility rate of t he labor market. The state considers all the expenses of the welfare of labor market in Denmark and there is an insurance system introduced by the state for the unemployed (OReilly Nazio Roche, 2014). The state influences the regulation of the employment relation for every working person in Denmark and has no discrimination regarding the originality of the labor and they are allowed to choose any law in their employee contract (Lee et al, 2017). The state has initiated an act named salaried employees act, which protects the salaries of the employees. In case the state does not cover the employment relationship then the legislation secondarily affects the collective bargaining system. The state also offers the employees the maternity and the females get paid off in before and after the pregnancy (Pfau-Effinger, 2017). The time span of the leave that they get is 4 weeks before and 14 weeks after the childbirth. The paternity leave is granted for 2 weeks after the childbirth. Though s urrogacy is an illegal practice in Denmark, the surrogate woman is allowed to have all the rights the other females have during childbirth (Heyes Lewis, 2014). Comparison of the two countries based on states role in employment relation: From the above discussion, it is very clear that the state plays two different kinds of roles in both the countries. State of France is the managing body of the employment relation and sometimes it plays the role of the employer, as another policy of the state of France is to reduce unemployment. The state handles all the important decision of the employment and labor market and is not dominated by the trade unions or the employers. Whereas, in Denmark the state is dominated by trade unions and employers and has to discuss with the board of employment about every decision. Still the state has introduced many laws for the wellbeing of the employees and has many acts, which provides the employees with lot of benefit. The state of Denmark has parental leave, pension, compensation and many other policies so that the employees are indirectly benefited by the state (Campbell Pedersen, 2014). The state is always in charge of the welfare of the countries and in both the countries, the role of state clearly indicates that not even a single state is free from the duty of maintaining welfare. State guides every decision regarding labor market in France and provides many laws to help the employees in Denmark. In France, it is directly the duty of the state to maintain the god will in labor market and introduces it to global market and in Denmark; the state indirectly helps the labor market to be enhanced. The labor market of Denmark is marked to be the most modern one whereas France is known as a country with less unemployed people around (Ring, Nissen Nielsen, 2017). The state of France is in charge of employing more female employees so that the ratio becomes the same. The state of France has adapted many settlement services and frameworks that initiate the employment relation of the country (Keynes, 2016). The state of France offers many facilities, strategies to keep up the level of employment system and have a effective labor market. Employment relation is to some ex tent managing the communication between the employer and employee and as the state itself, acts as an employer in France the relationship with the employees are generally managed without any problem (Brewster et al, 2017). The term of employment relation is basically managed by an organization but in France the state itself manages all the prospects of the employment relation. That of Denmark is actually maintaining the definition as here the state does not have any direct link to managing the employment relation and the organizations are in charge of managing the employment relations (Kim, 2017). The state of Denmark just provides the necessary support to the system of employment by some statutory assessments and policies. The state of Denmark just renders to the employees their rights and helps them to get those with the help of legal terms. The state does not have direct link with the employees as the state of France has but still the role of the state of Denmark cannot be kept a side (Atkinson Storey, 2016). The state makes sure that the employees are compensated due to the layoffs and make sure that the employees who get employment in another organization soon after their unemployment does not take undue favor of the compensation. The state of France makes sure that there is less involvement of the employers in the employment and does not practice the unemployment concept on a regular basis. An employment relationship has into context need of profit, work organization and resolving of prior issues. The state of France plays a vital role in incorporating all the issues and takes care that the employment relation of France is managed well. The employment relation has its own transition and the state of Denmark tends to manage every bothering context of the employees. The state of Denmark even indirectly stops the unemployment of female workers and allows them maternity leave so that they can have the right of their own and no employer can turn down female l abors. Managing employment relation is tough for the state of Denmark as there are trade unions and boards that do not allow the state to take any severe decision that is why the state uses the power that it has of setting laws and acts and uses it to benefit the employees. The employment system of France has the changing unions, employers, the state, employees and collective bargaining system; all of this controls the employment relation of the France (Gilpin, 2015). Among all of this, the effective role is of the state itself and it takes into consideration the other concepts. However, the employment relationship of Denmark is mostly dependent on the trade unions, employers and the board of employment (Atkinson Storey, 2016). The state of France has brought diversification of the employment relation and ushered regulations matching the standards of the workers. The state has also brought the development in employment relation of France. The state is an effective part of the emplo yment relation of France and helped to shape up the employment relations of France with other countries. The state of France has brought many new resources in the employment relation and those are the collective bargaining system, the individual training right and the modernization in the market (Atkinson Storey, 2016). Due to the state, the employment relation of France is reaching towards decentralization and has adapted more flexibility to manage labor market. However, the state of Denmark forbids the employers to put any wrong reason for layoffs and makes it mandatory for the employer to keep in mind all the legal right that the employees have to avoid any kind of consequences. Though the trade unions and employers play the most efficient role in developing the labor market, still the state has indirect hold on the employment relation and on the employers. The state of Denmark does not allow the employer to choose an employee and turn into layoff anytime they want because while the recruitment is done the employer needs to keep a broad record of the legal status of the employees as it helps the employer with the idea of the context of employment (Atkinson Storey, 2016). Only the employees who are executive officers have less amount of self-rights but that of the other employees are a long list and to avoid the employment terms which are not according to the law leads to penalty of the employers. Conclusion: In every employment relation, state plays either a direct or an indirect role. The state is in charge of exerting an influence on the development of every employment relation system. As it plays role in development of the labor administration, it even influences the function of employment relation system. In countries like France, the state plays a direct role in employment relation. The state tends to promote employment relation by adapting many frameworks and settlement services. The employees of Denmark are helped by the state in various means like parental rights, pension, adoption leave and many more. The state does not actually help the employees but indirectly the role it plays is not deniable. The state even takes care of the fact that no employee is compensated in special cases like those that if the employee is employed anywhere else they will not be compensated. The state only provides and allows compensation to employees who are unemployed and are not well accommodated. T he state of Denmark has a law that states that if an employee needs compensation they can apply for the same to their employers and the employer will have to compensate when the employees explain their condition within four months span from the unemployment date. Both the confidential and communal agendas are at risk in every employment relation system. The state reflects the reluctance of the unions. The state consult with the unions, boards to take decision regarding the labor policy. The state is a great player for every countrys employment relation system despite of having different roles in the employment relation system. The roles are maybe setting of some laws or employing more labors to reduce the unemployment. 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